Changes to Biosecurity Cost Recovery

In the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government committed $96.9 million over 4 years to better to manage the risk of pest and disease incursions posed by goods and vessels entering Australia. This is intended to be funded through a combination of existing departmental sources and cost recovery from industry.

As part of the cost recovery from industry, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) are increasing fees from 16 January 2023 for imported goods arriving by sea with a customs value over AUD1000. These fees are collected on each Full Import Declaration (FID) and will increase from $49 to $58. As a result, “other” charges on the FID will increase from $201.00 to $210.00.

DAFF is reviewing all current regulatory charging for biosecurity activities. Through this review, a new cost base will be determined to align fees and charges with the costs to deliver existing biosecurity regulatory activities to industry.

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