2024-25 BMSB Seasonal Measures

BMSB measures are once again coming to Australia, effective between 1st September and 30th April.
Measures this year closely replicate those of last year, with one notable change – China and Republic of Korea have been added to the list of heightened vessel surveillance. Note this is not a cause for concern, the heightened vessel surveillance does not involve mandatory treatment processes. In addition, China is also now identified as an emerging risk along with United Kingdom, both countries will be closely monitored.
Biosecurity will shortly be releasing an updated webpage for the 2024-25 season, however please feel free to view information currently available: https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/import/before/brown-marmorated-stink-bugs
Lessons learned from last year:
- FJT has an effective treatment program in Australia should treatment at origin not be suitable
- Appropriate planning and time allowances should be made at origin or destination for treatment timeframes
- The addition of samples or free of charge items WILL impact treatment requirements
- Note: it must be stressed to all suppliers shipping from Target Risk countries that any ‘gifts’ or ‘free of charge items’ or ‘samples’ are to be approved BEFORE packing, especially if the order does not contain goods subject to BMSB treatment.
- Break Bulk consignments MUST be treated prior to arrival in Australia and appropriate treatment time frames considered
Loading of Containers close to 1st September:
- Where a container is packed prior to commencement of BMSB season, but the vessel is not planned to be loaded until after commencement, a sealing declaration will be used to verify the date of sealing the container
- Where a sealing declaration is not provided, the Shipped On Board date will be applied as the sealing date, which may result in the container being directed to fumigation upon arrival in Australia
- https://www.agriculture.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/sealing-declaration-template.pdf
NUFT Declarations:
- For goods manufactured from 1st December NUFT Declarations (New, Unused and not Field Tested) can be used in lieu of a treatment certificate
- NUFT only applies to certain Customs Tariff Codes: 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 and 89 and is only effective if manufacture of all components commenced after 1st December
- https://www.agriculture.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/bmsb-nuft-declaration.pdf
Safeguarding Scheme:
- High volume shippers with a supply chain that is proven safe from BMSB risk can apply to the department for accreditation under the Safeguarding Scheme
- As an accredited imported when shipping from approved suppliers, fumigation is not required as the supplier is already proved low risk
- Biosecurity will still subject random consignments to unpack directions to verify integrity of supplier processes
- https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/import/before/brown-marmorated-stink-bugs/safeguarding
Queries may be directed to FJT’s Customs Manager David Ellis, [email protected] or 0412094791 or via your regular contact.
- Queries may also be directed to Biosecurity directly:
Hitchhiker Pest Policy: [email protected] - BMSB Treatments: [email protected]
Further updates will be provided as additional information is released by Biosecurity.