Welcome to our January News Brief
Dear Valued Customer
It’s time to put the old year behind us and welcome the new year. The holiday season has allowed us to spend some well-earned time with our families, friends and loved ones, creating memories and unplugging from the job.

Peak season has failed to materialise for air freight as many customers returned to a recovering sea freight market. The Lunar New Year is arriving early this year, therefore, it is recommended that customers prepare in advance with early bookings. Logistics operations may also take a while to return to normal in the weeks following the holiday.
Our staff in each region will be out of office during the designated public holidays, however our local teams will be working to ensure that all shipments are managed and that customers maintain a point of contact during this time.
In mainland China, strict COVID19 restrictions have recently been eased to facilitate more travel, increased production, and greater movement of cargo. However, infections are rising at a rapid rate which are creating staff shortages for businesses, internal production and supply chain issues, and posing an increasing risk to the Australian and global economy.
The unpredictability of 2022 is not going away, so once again this year, our monthly news brief will help you stay up to date with the latest industry news, trends, critical information, and emerging issues delivered straight to your inbox.
Thanks to all our customers for your ongoing support and all the best in 2023!
Sam Curro
Executive Business Manager – Oceania

Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement
• While progress was delayed as a consequence of the reaction to the submarine projects decision, it now appears to be back on track following the Prime Minister's visit in July
• There are ongoing discussions on about 30 chapters of the FTA including technical barriers to trade, intellectual property, and geographical indicators
• The consignment rule is still in discussion as are eligibility for goods made from imported parts and drawbacks (EU FTA’s commonly do not include these provisions)
• It is hoped that negotiations will conclude mid 2023 but the operative date would be still some time after that due to the treaty making process...

Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement
• Australia is very advanced in being ready to start this FTA
• The text of the proposed FTA is on the DFAT portal
• Declarations of Origin from the producer or exporter will be permitted
• An originating good transported through the territory of one or more non-parties shall retain its originating status provided certain conditions are met
• The A-UKFTA passed the Australian Parliament on 22 November 2022
• Australia is awaiting an update from UK as to their own progress and once their domestic procedures have been completed, Australia and the UK will provide each other with confirmation of their completion through an exchange of diplomatic notes
• The agreement will enter into force 30 days later, or on any other date that is mutually agreed...

Failing Food Report for October 2022
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has published its failing food reports under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme for October 2022. The report shows:
• Food imports that have failed analytical testing
• Foods containing non permitted additives or ingredients
• Food that is not permitted due to being a prohibited plant, or fungi...

Changes to Biosecurity Cost Recovery
A timely reminder that the Full Import Declaration charge for sea cargo (Sea FID) is increasing from $49 to $58 from 16 January 2023. This is part of the DAFF’s cost recovery to align fees and charges with the costs to deliver existing biosecurity regulatory activities to industry.
• The Australian Government committed $96.9 million over 4 years to better to manage the risk of pest and disease
• The cost recovery increase fees from 16 January 2023 are for imported goods arriving by sea with a customs value over AUD1000...