Free Trade Agreements have become a key part of Australia’s international trade model.
Over the last 5 years a significant number of FTAs have been established with our major trading country partners, with cost savings & business development outcomes.
FTAs are not all about the cost and benefits of trade; they can also have ‘background’ focus on climate change, education, etc.
One of the more complex FTAs in the trade talk pipeline is the AU/EU FTA.
An FTA that impacts multiple countries is a challenge to please all self-interested parties at the best of times.
It becomes more of a challenge when trade & political policy agendas clash.
In terms of the current AU/EU negotiations, following on from AUKUS announcements, France has proposed that negotiations with Australia should halt.
Less-impacted EU participants seem to be adopting a longer-term, bigger-picture view, but it will be interesting to see how this FTA plays out.