Welcome to our June News Brief

Dear Colleagues, Customers and Suppliers,

As the financial year comes to an end, it is a good time to reflect on what has been achieved in the last 12 months.

This year has flown by quickly bringing along with it many changes, the end of COVID restrictions, commencement of international travel, the war in Ukraine, newly elected Australian government, increased fuel costs, persistent staff shortages across the supply chain and record high sea and air freight costs.

In the meanwhile, all of us have been trying to get the best of it with our limits and strengths, for our company’s colleagues and families.  

It has been a year of continual growth, appreciating the glass is always half full when faced with changes, challenges, difficulties and unforeseen circumstances.

I sincerely thank all our employees in Australia and overseas for their passion, dedication, devotion and contribution to FJT, in these challenging times and while still delivering a remarkable and effortless support to our valued customers.

To our valued customers, I am grateful for your trust over the past 12 months, fully appreciating your support and for being such an integral part of our growth.  You’ll see a few new names and faces at our offices this coming financial year, some new sites, and some new and improved services as we further invest in our company’s future to better serve you while remaining competitive into the future.

To our suppliers, especially the local ones, we have appreciated very much your support and trying to challenge yourself every day with the changes in the market .

To all of you, Thank you for your contribution to FJT Logistics.

Alessandro D’Orto

Goods Compliance Update (24)
Breaking News on Shanghai’s Reopening After a Two-Month Lockdown

• Shanghai’s reopening on 1 June, following a two-month lockdown, was welcomed by all
• Unfortunately, the reopening has been brief as residents in 14 of Shanghai's 16 districts have been locked down again
• Volumes could take many months to come back to anything considered as normal ...

Goods Compliance Update (25)
Ongoing Delays for Biosecurity Inspections

• Ongoing delays for biosecurity inspections are significantly adding inefficiencies and costs to importers
• DAWE continues to implement new initiatives and technologies to streamline its work at the border
• Extensive delays can be expected for the foreseeable future...

Goods Compliance Update (30)
Empty Container Park Detention and Container Detention

• The impacts of empty container park congestion and container detention charges are a major concern
• These costs are recouped and passed down the supply chain adding to the cost of importing
• Industry bodies have requested Government to help intervene and provide regulatory oversight...

Goods Compliance Update (19)
Deferred GST Scheme

A timely reminder to consider the benefits of the Deferred GST Scheme as we approach the end of the financial year

If you have an ABN and registered for GST there are several merits to the Deferred GST Scheme, including:

• Improved cashflow
• Saving time
• Faster access to GST refunds
• GST payable is deferred to the 21st of the following month after importation...

Goods Compliance Update (24)
Failing Food Report For February 2022

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has published its failing food report under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme for February 2022

• Report shows food imports that have failed analytical testing
• Foods containing non permitted additives or ingredients
• Food that is not permitted due to being a prohibited plant, or fungi...

Goods Compliance Update (28)
Australian & NZ Port Terminals Update

Provides a summary of vessel delays and congestion at Australian and NZ ports – Courtesy of Maersk, Patrick Terminals, VICT and WWL...

Goods Compliance Update (29)
International Port Terminals Update

Provides a summary of terminal operating conditions in Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, USA, Europe and UK – Courtesy of Freight & Trade Alliance...

Goods Compliance Update (27)
World Container Index (WCI) 9 June 2022

Provides an interesting insight into World Container Index pricing – Courtesy of Drewry UK

• The World Container Index per 40 FT container as of 09 June 2022 decreased by 0.6 % to $7,578.65 USD 40FT
• The composite index remains 13% higher than a year ago. The average composite index assessed by Drewry for year-to-date, is $8,569.00 USD per 40 FT container
• This is $5,146.00 USD higher than the 5 five-year spot freight rate average of $3,423.00 USD per 40 FT container...

In the month of June, FJT Logistics has donated to SecondBite NSW

SecondBite NSW have partnered with Living Hope Missions Camperdown. Living Hope Missions commenced in June 2020 with the main goal of providing free food assistance to families and individuals including people experiencing homelessness and food insecurity by building trusting and supportive relationships. The Camperdown food panty also distributes to other local charities, schools, and regional communities in need.
Pictured here is Valter, FJT NSW Branch Manager assisting in the collection of our donation.

Thank you once again SecondBite for your service to the community, our employees and customers who have allowed us to make this contribution.
