Australian & New Zealand Port Terminals Update June 2022

Patrick: Vessel delays around 2 – 4 days.
DP World: Average delay is 2 to 4 days for vessels that are already arriving off the berthing window.
Patrick: Vessel delays are around 0.5-2 days.
VICT: Please see below for week 24 commencing Monday 13th June. VICT are carrying a16 hour delay from the long weekend. VICT are looking at the vessel schedule to have recovered by the end of this week.
DP World: 1-to-3-day average delay for vessels that are already delayed and arriving off the berthing window.
Vessel operations at Fishermans Island container terminals Brisbane have returned to
normal following the maritime incident involving OOCL Brisbane Voy 209S.
Patrick: Vessel delays around 2 to 3 days.
DP World: Vessel delays 2 to 4 days.
Patrick: Terminal vessel delays of 0.5 to 2 days. Some vessel bunching starting to re occur.
DP World: Congestion delay is 1 to 3 days. Vessel bunching with vessels of same service delayed from origin and arriving off the berthing window.
New Zealand
The average vessel delay in Auckland is around 4-5 days. Auckland terminal utilisation as of 08 June 2022 is at 97%. High terminal utilisation is impacting productivity and slowing up port operations. Vessel scheduled arrivals have been affected by delays offshore. Due to those delays, expect that shipping arrivals and cargo flows will remain uneven. There are numerous vessels with projected ETAs over the next 7 to 14 days. These are likely to slide given that there are still other ports to transit. Vessel bunching and congestion is expected to continue through June 2022. POAL are monitoring long dwelling import containers as these negatively impact terminal capacity utilisation and operations, especially with the vessel bunching that is expected over the coming weeks. POAL have requested that import units are moved out of the terminal and off port as quickly as possible. There remains back-to-back shipping demand now that some vessels are arriving having suffered delays offshore. POAL are looking to process vessels as quickly as they can but there is bunching of ships and productivity will be constrained if POAL do not have a regular 24/7 flow of import containers off the terminal.
POAL have advised that in the best interests of the company, its stakeholders, and the New Zealand supply chain that the company has decided to end the Automation project at the
Container Terminal. Despite the best efforts of the POAL team and supplier, the project has
experienced continued delays to full terminal roll out. The system is not performing to expectations, and POAL no longer have the confidence in the projected timeline or cost to
completion. The positive aspect to this decision, is that it will come as a relief to many at POAL and the wider supply chain. It gives certainty about the future and allows POAL to focus on their core job; safely providing a great service to New Zealand Importers and Exporters. This winter is expecting to be challenging for supply chains as COVID and other seasonal illnesses such as the flu push up staff related absences. Masks are still required within the port terminal area in an effect to significantly reduce the spread of the virus. Container/Bulk berths are currently busy and expected to reach 100% utilisation within the coming week. This is due to the large receival, and discharge volume being encountered at the port terminal.
Captain Cook, Marsden, Bledisloe yards and the Car Handling Facility are at 60%. This has fallen due to the decrease in the number of vessel arrivals and is expected to remain at this
level for the coming week. Congestion continues with large container and breakbulk volumes and MC will remain under pressure. POAL are encouraging transport operators to continue to liaise with the shipping lines on receivals and operating hours.
POAL/MC Ops team request all efforts for key stakeholders to resource for the swift delivery of cargo within its permitted free time. Extensions for free time and any additional storage will not be considered. Additional cleaning is being imposed after every shift change. This hampers the ability of the port to maximise vessels. Average port stay for vessels is being extended by around 2-3 hours. 96% of services from Australia to New Zealand are delayed and off window berthing schedules.
Lyttleton incurring average waiting time of 0.1 to 1 day. Tauranga continues to see terminal
congestion and average delays of 2 days. Tauranga terminal utilisation remains high at 84% Equipment management remains the carriers key focus in New Zealand due possibly to an
extended reefer season. Auckland empty container depots are open but with limited capacity. Carriers continue vessel schedule adjustments to safeguard schedule reliability.