Empty Container Park Congestion [Sydney]

Shipping line contracted empty container park congestion is causing delays in import container de-hires, difficulties in accessing export empties, availability of slots and truck queuing. This never-before-seen-build-up of empty containers is also leading to empty container park closures due to full capacity, and redirections from one facility to another. All these issues are having a major impact on the detention free time allowed by the shipping line.
Transport operators are not responsible for these delays and have made it quite clear that they will not be accepting any container detention liability as a result. In order to cover their costs, some are introducing redirection fees and storage fees at their depots until they receive confirmation when the empty container park will accept the container.
Whilst circumstances will differ depending on the de-hire location, any additional costs will also differ in each scenario. This situation is not ideal, and it is another area of concern about potential anti-competitive practices where industry has no influence over service or price which adds up to increased supply chain costs for importers and exporters. These measures appear to be temporary, and we will keep you updated with any further progress or developments.
It is essential that you plan your supply chain well taking into consideration the additional delays currently being incurred. Please ensure that empty containers are made available for collection at the earliest possible opportunity to avoid and/or minimise detention charges.
Please be assured that FJT will be doing its very best to mitigate any additional costs for our customers and will assist with pushing back to shipping lines for any unfair or unreasonable charges.