2022-23 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) Seasonal Measures

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has published the 2022-23 BMSB seasonal measures on their website
The BMSB risk season will apply to targeted goods manufactured in or shipped from target risk countries as sea cargo and vessels that berth at, load or tranship, from target risk countries from 1 September 2022 and 30 April 2023 (inclusive).
Whilst most measures remain consistent with the 2021-22 BMSB season, there are some important changes that will apply for the forthcoming season.
- China and United Kingdom are identified as emerging risk countries
- Goods falling under HS tariff chapters 94 and 95 from emerging risk countries will be subject to random onshore inspection
- The 120 hours policy has been amended for goods that have been rolled (with evidence)
- Inspect/Unpack inspections will replace Secure Seals Intact inspections at Approved Arrangements
DAFF will continue to review the measures throughout the season based on detections of BMSB and the risk pathways and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the risk to Australia is effectively managed.
We encourage all customers to review the measures and start your discussions with suppliers now to ensure your shipments will meet all requirements.
FJT will guide you throughout the BMSB season and manage the complex requirements to provide a seamless solution. We will provide continued support and keep you updated on all developments including changes to import requirements and regulatory policy impacting your goods.
Frequently asked questions about the seasonal measures can be found HERE.