Welcome to our November News Brief
Dear Valued Customers,
We are thrilled to announce the opening our two new warehouse facilities in Adelaide and Perth. Located in Salisbury South and Canning Vale respectively, this is a significant investment in our own network in Australia and New Zealand in response to our customers growing demands.
It is an exciting time for FJT to provide more storage options and solutions, and strengthen our integrated logistics services and offerings for our customers. It sees FJT’s warehouse storage footprint increase to 8,416sqm across Australia.
In terms of future strategy, the company understands that continuing to deliver high quality services to customers and building long-term relationships is paramount. Whilst we remain dynamic and open to new opportunities for growth, family values remain a major focus of our operating philosophy.
A big thank you to our South Australian and Western Australian customers for their support over the past years, we are going to serve you even better now, including all our customers across Australia.
Please don’t hesitate to call us should you like to know more about our national warehouse storage options and solutions.
Sam Curro
Executive Business Manager – Oceania

Failing Food Report for August 2022
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has published its failing food reports under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme for August 2022. The report shows:
• Food imports that have failed analytical testing
• Foods containing non permitted additives or ingredients
• Food that is not permitted due to being a prohibited plant, or fungi

BMSB New, Unused and not Field Tested (NUFT) Goods
A reminder that BMSB NUFT declarations may be used for eligible goods manufactured on or after 1 December 2022. If your goods can meet ALL the following criteria, they will not be subject to mandatory BMSB treatment (random inspections may still apply):
• Have the goods been manufactured on or after 1 December 2022 (manufacture must start on or after 1 December of the current BMSB risk season)?
• Are the goods classified under the following tariff chapters only: 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 and 89?
• Can evidence be provided in the form of a BMSB NUFT (new, unused and not field tested) manufacturers declaration that the goods are manufactured on or after 1 December?

Nil Tolerance for Asbestos in Imported Goods
The Australian Border Force (ABF) has sent a reminder through the Trade Compliance team’s Goods Compliance Update, to help industry voluntarily comply with Australia’s NIL tolerance for asbestos
• Importers are reminded they must obtain sufficient information and take necessary action to ensure asbestos is not present in imported goods before shipment. Imported goods that are likely to contain asbestos will potentially spend more time being redlined, and incur delays to clearance at the border
• If imported goods are selected for sampling or testing, importers will be asked to provide evidence that appropriate assurances were made prior to shipment. Importers found unlawfully importing (or exporting) asbestos, or goods containing asbestos, may be subject to ABF fines and/or prosecution
• The ABF Asbestos webpage provides a list of goods that might contain asbestos, including a list of countries from which goods containing asbestos have been detected...

Australia Extends Russian and Belarusian Tariffs for a Further 12 Months
• Imported Russian and Belarusian goods will remain subject to an additional 35 per cent tariff for another year after Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Trade Minister Don Farrell recently announced the Australian government extended its response to Russia’s “unprovoked, unjust and illegal” invasion of Ukraine
• Australia is working together with the international community and the extension is a response to Russia’s continued illegal invasion of Ukraine and the continued support provided by Belarus for this invasion
• The measure has been extended for a period of twelve months to 24 October 2023...

World Container Index (WCI)
10 November 2022
Provides an interesting insight into World Container Index pricing – Courtesy of Drewry UK
- The World Container Index per 40 FT container as of 10 November2022 decreased by 9% to $2,773.49 USD 40FT
- The composite index decreased by 9% this week, the 37th consecutive weekly decrease, and has dropped by 70% when compared with the same week last year
- The average composite index for the year-to-date is $7,018 per 40ft container, which is $3,259 higher than the five-year average of $3,759