May News Brief


Dear FJT Logistics Team,
Welcome to the May edition of our News Brief.

We are thrilled to introduce Adrian Biasi, our newly appointed National Commercial Services Manager, who brings a wealth of experience and strategic vision to our team.

Introducing Adrian: Leading FJT Logistics to New Horizons

Adrian’s journey in the logistics industry has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a knack for navigating the complexities of international trade.
Adrian shares his excitement about joining FJT Logistics in Melbourne, Australia:
“I was looking for a new challenge after six years in Asia where I was exposed to a wide range of opportunities. My experience navigating COVID-induced supply chain disruptions developed my ability to adapt and my skills in resilience and strategic thinking,” Adrian says.
“My objective was to get to know another market where I haven’t worked yet completely, Oceania.
“I have been in direct contact with the founder and director, their growing family business and their project piqued my interest. I don’t like stagnation and I thrive on challenges so the opportunity matched my mindset. I see myself seamlessly integrating into FJT logistics and making a significant impact over the next few years.”
With a dynamic background that spans various sectors of the industry, Adrian’s expertise is set to drive FJT Logistics towards new horizons. From his early days in a shipping line, handling global accounts, to spearheading operations in Hong Kong and Vietnam, Adrian has consistently demonstrated his ability to lead with innovation and resilience.
In his new role, Adrian’s primary objectives are clear: to establish a robust commercial division, streamline sales operations, and elevate FJT’s market presence. Leveraging cutting-edge IT solutions, Adrian aims to revolutionise customer service, prioritising client satisfaction above all else.
With recent appointments in Queensland and New South Wales under his leadership, Adrian emphasises the importance of effective management and collaboration across different regions. He envisions a united sales force armed with data-driven insights, working in harmony to deliver unparalleled value to our clients.
Looking ahead, Adrian sees commercial services at FJT Logistics evolving into a realm of innovation and customer-centricity. With his expertise driving the way, Adrian plans to propel the company to new heights, ensuring it remains a beacon of excellence in the logistics landscape.
Please join us in welcoming Adrian to the FJT Logistics family, and let’s embrace this opportunity to soar to greater heights together!

Warm Regards,

FJT Logistics

Warehouse Division Update:
Remarkable success for our Warehouse Division

With the recent opening of our Adelaide, Perth and Auckland warehouses in the previous financial year and managed by Bob Usher has been a truly successful surprise.

The hard work of all the warehouse managers in each state supported by the branch managers and sales have produced a result surpassing the most optimistic projection we could have.

Therefore, thank you to all again and looking forward to the opening of our Sydney warehouse in the new financial year.

Well done to everyone.

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